A Reflection on Last Summer

Mountain Camp Marin’s first summer was one of magic, friendships, and unforgettable moments. We had the pleasure of interviewing Senior Counselor and former Mountain Camp camper, Ella Harper, and learning about her experience working with campers and the memories that made this summer truly special.
Ella worked with all age groups this past summer but spent most time with our older and wiser campers, the Trackers and Alpiners. She had a blast watching them explore their creative side in arts and crafts, and their competitive, athletic side in sports games and group challenges. Regardless of the activity, Ella found herself constantly engaged and inspired by the campers’ energy and enthusiasm.
One of Ella’s favorite memories stands out as a testament to the transformative power of camp. On the first day of a new session, one of her young campers had a tough time saying bye to his parent during drop-off. He was hesitant to sit with the other campers and shy at joining conversations. However, Ella used our handy acronym WESTI (Warm smile, Eye contact, Stoop and Shake, Tell them your name, Introduce them to someone else) to help him feel more comfortable. With her encouragement and facilitated introductions, he quickly began connecting with other kids, and by the end of the day, he didn’t want to leave camp! By the end of the week, he had won the award given out each week at campfire to a camper that contributes spectacularly to the camp community called the “Helping Hand” award! He bonded with friends over their shared love of soccer, and became a confident, integral part of the group.
Ella looks back most fondly on Gather at the end of each day. It’s the perfect time for campers and counselors to come together and celebrate the day’s highlights with skits, dances, and challenges! One of Ella’s favorite games was the fruit roll-up challenge where counselors raced to see who could eat it the fastest without using their hands. But her all time favorite, and the campers all time favorite is the Gizmo! At some point during the day, a whimsically decorated clothespin called the Gizmo gets secretly pinned to a camper. When Gather begins, everyone calls out: “Who has the Gizmo?” The camper who finds it picks a card from a box and reads it aloud. Each card reveals a fun fact about a counselor, and the camper must guess who it belongs to. A wrong guess means they take on a FUNishment! This could be serenading another camp group or eating lunch with their non-dominant hand! Overall, Gather is always an exciting way to wrap up a day at camp. Who doesn’t like playing games and singing funny songs as a group?
What made this summer at Mountain Camp Marin truly special for Ella wasn’t just the activities but the relationships she formed with both the campers and her fellow counselors. The camaraderie among the staff created an environment of joy and positivity that campers could feel. Whether it was singing competitions during lunch or playful challenges among groups throughout the day, the counselors’ bond inspired the campers to embrace the same sense of community and fun.
From camper to counselor, Mountain Camp has been a meaningful part of Ella’s life, and she’s thrilled to return this summer to create new memories, reconnect with campers, and bring the same energy and excitement that made last season so special!