Day Camp Parent Pack

Welcome to the Mountain Camp Marin Family!

We are so excited your camper will be joining us this summer. Building on years of experience with our partner camps, the Mountain Camp organization welcomes children to summers filled with adventure, discovery, friendship and fun! Like no other youth activity, we believe camp has the ability to positively shape life-long attitudes and behaviors.

Camp is outstanding at teaching the values of self-reliance and resourcefulness, facilitating relationships with a focus on collaboration and communication. It is full of opportunities for creativity as well as problem-solving and critical thinking, and it invites exploration, play and adventure! These are most commonly referred to as 21st Century Skills and educational experts believe they are critical for a child’s future success. At Mountain Camp Marin we believe that camp is the best possible “classroom” for learning these skills.

Now more than ever, when children are increasing surrounded by electronic screens and technology, our goal is to get campers outside, actively creating, learning, and connecting with nature and each other. Mountain Camp Marin’s unique atmosphere allows children to learn in a fun and safe environment that encourages independence while nurturing lasting friendships.

The following information will help you and your camper prepare for camp. Please read through carefully and let us know if you have any questions. See you at Camp!