Staff Directory
See below for our 2024 Staff! We will update for 2025 staff members in March.
Please reach out to [email protected] to learn more about working at Mountain Camp Marin!

Meet our Camp Director, Mario!
Area of Expertise: Chief Dodgeball Czar
Favorite Activity at Mountain Camp Marin: Swimming!!
Favorite Superhero: Super Mario if that counts?? Otherwise, Batman!
Worst Dad Joke: When does a joke become a dad joke? When the punchline becomes apparent.
Favorite Camp Memory: Catching a fish with my bare hands as a 10-year-old in the “desert”

Meet our Program Director, Stephanie!
Area of Expertise: Head of the Social Butterfly Club
Favorite activity at MCM: Nature
Favorite Superhero: Black Widow
Worst Dad joke: Why can’t leopards play hide-and-seek? Because they’re always spotted!
Favorite Camp Memory: Meeting new friends!

Meet Danny, one of our Lead Counselors!
Area of Expertise: Senior Swimming Specialist
Favorite Activity at Mountain Camp Marin: Sports and Creation Station!
Favorite Superhero: Recyclops
Worst Dad Joke: I told a bad chemistry joke once. I got no reaction.
Favorite Camp Memory: Creating and performing dramas!

Meet Hazel, one of our Lead Counselors!
Area of Expertise: Social Media Superstar
Favorite Activity at Mountain Camp Marin: MUSIC!!!
Favorite Superhero: Magneto (technically an anti-villain but whatever)
Worst Dad Joke: Why did the comedian drink fruit juice at their reception? Because there was no punchline!
Favorite Camp Memory: Learning how to play my first four chords on the guitar!

Meet Kendra, one of our Senior Counselors!
Area of Expertise: Magical Musician
Favorite Activity at Mountain Camp Marin: Music or Arts and Crafts
Favorite Superhero(es): The Incredibles
Worst Dad Joke: A dragon won’t explode. But a dino might!
Favorite Camp Memory: Singing songs with all my amazing new friends!

Meet Devon, one of our Senior Counselors!
Area of Expertise: Dandy Dancing Queen
Favorite Activity at Mountain Camp Marin: Dance or Gaga Ball!
Favorite Superhero: Wonder Woman
Worst Dad Joke: What do you call a fly with no wings? A walk 🙂
Favorite Camp Memory: Making lifelong friends!

Meet Ella, one of our Senior Counselors!
Area of expertise: Super Science Specialist
Favorite Activity at Mountain Camp Marin: Swim or Science
Favorite Superhero: Spider-Man
Worst Dad Joke: What kind of shoes do frogs wear? Open toad.
Favorite Camp Memory: Meeting great friends!!

Meet Kate, one of our Senior Counselors!
Area of Expertise: Merry Music Master
Favorite Activity at Mountain Camp Marin: Arts and Crafts
Favorite Superhero: Iron Man
Worst Dad Joke: How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it!
Favorite Camp Memory: making friendship bracelets!

Meet Ashley, one of our Junior Counselors!
Area of expertise: Energetic Nature Explorer
Favorite activity at Mountain Camp Marin: sports and nature
Favorite Superhero: Wonder Woman
Worst dad joke: Which days are the strongest? Saturday and Sunday, the rest are weekdays.
Favorite camp memory: Getting to try so many fun activities!

Meet Theo, one of our Junior Counselors
Area of expertise: Great Guitarist
Favorite Activity: Music or Sports
Favorite Superhero: Spider-Man
Worst Dad Joke: I hate my job–all I do is crush cans all day. It’s soda pressing.
Favorite camp memory: tubing with my good friends in mountain camp Lake Tahoe.

Meet Harris, one of our Junior Counselors!
Area of expertise: Sports Strategy Sensation
Favorite activity at Mountain Camp Marin: sports and nature
Favorite Superhero: Batman
Worst dad joke: Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself? Because it was two-tired.
Fav camp memory: Making lots of new friends.

Meet Gracie, our communications/social media intern!
Area of expertise: Gaga Ball Olympic Champ.
Favorite Activity at Mountain Camp Marin: The Drama!!
Favorite Superhero: Thor!
Worst (best) dad joke: I was going to tell a time-travelling joke, but you guys didn’t like it.
Favorite camp memory: Exploring places I’ve never been before!